featured restaurants
These listings offer some of the best experiences throughout The Classic Coast.
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Dining around Newport has never been better. New innovative, chef-owned restaurants—up and down The Classic Coast—are joining nationally acclaimed establishments, classic lobster shacks, and hip budget-friendly hangouts to create a delicious array of options for every taste.
These listings offer some of the best experiences throughout The Classic Coast.
Heaven? It's a place on earth when you're here. These local vineyards and breweries just make it more indulgent.
Newport Burger Bender returns Friday, February 14 - Sunday, February 23, 2025 with some of the biggest, savoriest burgers competing for the title of "Best Burger" around town.
Plant-based restaurants and cafes have been popping up in large numbers over the last few years with offerings good enough to convert even the most die-hard meat eaters.