The critically-acclaimed 2013 adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby mesmerized audiences across the globe, which is no surprise as the tale of Jay Gatsby’s life of lust and luxury has long been a captivating story. Newport’s own Rosecliff, which served as Gatsby’s mansion during the filming of the 1975 classic starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow, continues to lure visitors in search of the lavish Gatsbian lifestyle. Today’s discerning traveler can experience the modern Gatsby getaway in the City-by-the-Sea by experiencing mansion events, cruising on a wooden yacht that was once a Prohibition-era rum runner, rooftop champagne toasts and more, all less than a gas tank away from Boston and New York. Image courtesy of Paramount Pictures
Discover Newport
Discover Newport is the non-profit organization dedicated to promoting of the City of Newport and its eight surrounding coastal communities. We speak in seasides and sunsets.